About Me

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We have embarked on a life-long journey to become a family. In June 2013, we have brought home two beautiful babies. Our family is now complete and our marriage formally recognized by state and federal laws.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lost in cyberspace

It looks like I lost my previous blog. Anyway, I'll update with some pics as they become available.

Meanwhile, our prediction based on the Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan on week 12 in my previous blog was proven to be correct. Based on the "angle of the dangle" evidence, we were very certain to have a girl (i.e. 80% chance), but the other scan had a 68% chance of being a boy (which was also fairly high chance). Nevertheless, we got it right! :)

The twins when they were week 5!


  1. Hi guys how is it going ,hope your twins are doing fine. Can't wait to see the pics

    1. Yes, the ped said they are okay. Might be able to get out of NICU in about 2 weeks. I posted a couple of pics. Cheers!
